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22 Y
wants marriage
Mesyar , Polygamy
Nationality Canada
Canada | Undefined
Register Before 16 Hours ( 16/10/2024 )
Last login Before 1 hour ( 17/10/2024 )
I want my partner to be
A practicing Muslim who is against bidah. Or someone who seeks to become a better Muslim.
More information about HaveTaqwaMustafa
I’m a 22 year old living in Ontario in the Greater Toronto Area/Hamilton Area. I was studying computer science in university but decided to quit it and change my field to something else. I’m in that stage right now and I’m really confused. Due to a lot of pressure in picking a field and other problems in my life I long for a companion. And of course shaitan tries to put haram in the way when we are in this state. So for Allah’s sake, I decided to try to get married in order to save myself from fitnah. But I’m not settled and I don’t have a job so I thought misyar would be best. I know they are women who are in certain situations that they would prefer this type of marriage too so I thought it would be a good deed to go through this path even though I would be marrying an older woman. I have accepted it and I’m actually very excited to be there for a good woman wanting to stay pure even if she is older than me and has kids. More good deeds is how I see it, alhamdulillah! Also I know that it is haram to get into a marriage with the intention of ending it so I’m not here to, may Allah protect us, take advantage of any woman. I actually would prefer more of a social relationship too that we joke with each other and be like each other’s best friend in a way. If I visit I help around the house and with problems that may be going about. I want a misyar marriage that is both fulfilling physically and emotionally/mentally. I’m fine with my wife choosing one more than the other, I’m flexible in this matter. When it comes to this, my motto is as it comes in a narration that the best of you are the best to their wives. So I seek to be the best to my wife as much as I can, her feelings over mine. As for my personality, I’m easy-going and like bubbly, I like to make jokes and to help people smile. Islam is really important to me so if something is halal or haram, I try to take it seriously. I hope this marriage even though it wouldn’t be traditional would help us get closer to our Rabb.
Personal Info
Length / Weight 160 cm / 85 Kg
Hair type soft
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown
Skin color Brown
Health status بصحة جيدة
Religion Care about it
Commitment to prayer Commitment
Beard Yes
Smoking Not Smoker
Listening to songs Not Listen
Study and work
Educational qualification High School
Work field Still studying
Financial status Good
Annual income Less than $ 8000
Marital status
My marriage will be First marriage
Marital status Single.
Current number of kids None
Desire to have children? Yes

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